It is hard to make a start..

A lot of thinking had been gone through before I find time (and chance) to write my very first blog. You may ask why I need so much justifications and reasons for writing a simple blog, where others simply just jump right into it. I suppose I don't have an answer. May be it is the fear factors that push me away from blogging. I have read many fine blogs from friends that I know and friends that I don't know. Unlike others, where they have vast amount of materials (e.g. photos, pictures, videos, or plain beautiful (and sensible) words) to put into their blogs. I simply don't have much to share from my rather one dimension city life (well, at least for now)...and my blogging will show.

Nevertheless, there is an urge inside of me, try to tell my thoughts/perceptions/ideas about my life and lives around me. I have to face the harsh fact that my friends have (whether willingly or not) become further and further away from me. I am not sure whether this is due to physical distances, or really just the mind thing as we all grow older. Harder as it may seem, I suddenly realise that in the good old days, when you can chat with your soul mates face to face about how you feel in your life, are long gone. And to "meet" new friends with similar interests or "channel", blogging seems to be an easy way out for me, to meet such a need for you seeing/reading what I really feel and want.

Anyway, enough of the hardest part, hopefully, the rest is easier.


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