
I remember last time when I attended Summer Lei's (雷光夏) concert was in 2001, when she comes to Hong Kong for the first time to perform with another artist from NY as well as a DJ. It was an experimental concert and I always thought it wasn't quite enough. Not sure if this is another coincidence of mine, but when I come back to Hong Kong this time around, Summer Lei's came to Hong Kong again for another concert. Of course, I was probably one of the few who jump the box office to get the ticket.

I heard how the media promotes her as some sort of 知性音樂人, even she doesn't know this would the case. 我記起第一次認識雷光夏, 已經是2000年事. 在好友的介紹下, 反複聽過她的CD. I always like her weightlessness of her music, it gives such a peacefulness and weightlessness to an extent it was also too difficult in describe. 她的音樂好像要將我靈魂也勾出來, 而我卻又沒有半點抗拒的感覺. 整個人就跟她的音樂sink in似的, sink in 在一個清泉裡..

Last nite at the concert, I finally able to meet her at a much closer distant than last time. I always feel she is very mysterious because of her music. Then I found she is definitely much more mature than last time. The way she talks to the audience, the way the music was composed/performed. Less experimental and perhaps mysterious, it becomes much more gentle and cosy, if not giving me an easy going experience. The whole "performance/gag" was almost like a causal gathering between good friends. At least this is the first time I saw the performer holding up a camera and taking picture of the audiences, rather than the other way around.

Another coincidence, 跟上次一樣,我是獨自去聽她的音樂會.可能是這樣,我反而更能去投入她的音樂....但可能也只是因為孤獨的感覺而已. 整晚唯一美中不足的,要算是沒有機會聽到她演譯我最喜愛的歌曲,海上花...唯有在車廂裡, 再次開動自已的ipod, 延續這場音樂會吧!

Here are some web resources which related to Summer Lei



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